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Respiratory Health

Advancing respiratory health through innovative therapies

Hill-Rom® Respiratory Care

Importance of Respiratory Health

Managing Therapy

If you need to manage treatment for a chronic respiratory disease or condition, you know airway clearance therapy is important.  You do your best to fit it into your busy life.  But that's easier said than done.  we get it, because we've heard it again and again: "I just want to live my life!"

Why Airway Clearance is Important

When mucus cannot be cleared from the lungs, it builds up and creates an environment in which bacteria can grow.  This can lead to repeated, serious lung infection, which can cause more damage to the airways of the lungs and a vicious cycle of infection.  This cycle may lead to irreversible lung damage and respiratory failure.



Got COPD? You may have Bronchiectasis (BE).

Do you have...

  • A chronic cough that produces mucus
  • Lungs that frequently sound congested
  • Respiratory infections requiring hospitalizations or antibiotics

If so, you may have bronchiectaiss (BE) a disease where your airways lose their ability to clear mucus, leading to infections adn deteriorating lung function.

The good news is, if you do have BE, there's a treatment that could help you feel better, and help protect your airways from further damage.

Ask your doctor about airway clearance therapy from Hillrom.

Airway clearance therapy is not a drug or a procedure. It's a non-invasive therapy that helps move mucus up and out to clear your airways. And you can fit it into your daily routine at home, clearing the way for better days.

Patient Screener

Learn more about BE


Airway Clearance Techniques and Devices

Airway Clearance Techniques (ACTs) loosen thick, sticky mucus so it can be cleared from the lungs by coughing or huffing.  These techniques include chest physical therapy, sometimes provided with the help of a caregiver.  High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation (HFCWO) devices gently compress and release the chest wall which creates airflow within the lungs.  This type of therapy traditionally involves an inflatable garment that is worn and attached to an air pulse generator that rapidly inflates and deflates the garment.  The Vest Airway Clearance System from Hillrom uses this type of therapy and has helped thousands of patients with airway clearance.

Learn more about Hillrom Respiratory Health products