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Respiratory Health

Advancing respiratory health through innovative therapies

Hill-Rom® Respiratory Care


Clearing the way for better days

Proven Products

Patients with chronic respiratory disease work hard each day, just to live ordinary lives.  That inspires us to work even harder for them.  Retained secretions in the airways may lead to increased infection, hospitalization, and reduced lung function.  Hillrom offers a full portfolio of products that may help mobilize retained secretions.

  • MetaNeb System (acute care only)
  • The Vest Airway Clearance System (home and acute care)
  • Synclara Cough System (home and acute care)
  • Volara System (home and acute care)
  • Monarch Airway Clearance System (home care only) - Hillrom's new mobile airway clearance therapy
  • Life2000 Ventilation System (home and acute care) - the first wearable non-invasive ventilator

Hillrom's tested and proven products, collaborative care approach, and commitment to innovation add up to more than the sum of their parts.  In combination, they drive a model of continuous improvement, clearing the way to better days for patients.